Nathan Lehoux wins the Euro Bodysurf Tour after his success on the Mehdya stage 18-19 november, hosted by the Royal Moroccan Federation of Surfing and the KAC Surf Club. As Léo Laudouard in 2014, Lehoux achieved the double by finishing also first in the Junior division.
He succeeds Yann Badina winner in 2015 and 2016, and second of the Moroccan stage. Paul Grieumard, in the title race, stands of the 2nd place of the overall ranking in Open and Junior. Antonio Stott Howorth with a 5th place during the last stop takes the 2nd place of the global ranking.
In other divisions, Pedro Collaco (Master Men), Marta Leitao (Open Women) Ana Lito (Master Women) offer Portugal continental titles. Souki Bargach wins the title, exaequo with Ana Lito in Master Women division.
More informations: Nathan Lehoux remporte l’Euro Bodysurf Tour